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Basics of Adjudication

Want to know more about why having an adjudication matrix is important?

Updated over 3 months ago

The goal of the adjudication matrix is to create a matrix of records that would be acceptable or not acceptable to a client. The classification determines if a

record pushes a report into a clear or consider status. To understand the different statuses, see our help article Report and invitation statuses.

Why is this important?

Without an adjudication matrix, any criminal record will result in a Consider status, which may increase the volume of reports that need to be reviewed.

How can I create a matrix?

If you are interested in creating a matrix, please see our standard template below.

** Make sure you select File, Make a Copy or File, Download to begin customizing your own matrix **

You may also consider the following questions when creating a matrix:

  1. What criteria do you would want to use?

  2. Do you have any age requirements?

  3. Do you have any compliance standards?

  4. Any insurance requirements?

If you currently have a matrix but we do not utilize it OR you want to make adjustments to an existing one, please email your document to our support team so we may put it into our format for your review!

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