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Everything you need to know as a Yardstik admin.
34 articles
Getting Started
Set up your account and start screening candidates.
Login helpYardstik app login for administrators
Account Settings
Add and remove users
Overview of Data & Analytics Dashboard
Why does my account need to be verified?
Order Reports
Report and Invite Statuses
Cancel or Refresh Report Invite
Understanding your Candidate ReportAt a high level, information contained in each section of the background check report
Why is this background check taking so long?
What is adverse action?You can Proceed or start the Pre-Adverse Action process
What is the dispute process?
Common questions
Answers to our most frequently asked questions.
Which counties have delays?
How can I send a candidate's link to them?This is the Apply URL link
Are your candidates not receiving their SMS invites?
What does identity verification look like for candidates?
Ignore failed identity verification
Basics of AdjudicationWant to know more about why having an adjudication matrix is important?
Login Help: Reset MFA
Yardstik Glossary
Contact support
Yardstik Training Video Series
Yardstik 101 in video form.
🎥 Account Settings (Training Video)Set up your account so you can start screening candidates quickly.
🎥 Data & Analytics Dashboard (Training Video)Explore the data available to you to better understand how you can run a fast and efficient background screening program.
🎥 Reports (Training Video)Order background checks and track report statuses on your candidates.
🎥 Imports (Training Videos)Importing candidate names, information, or prompting a rescreen in a few short minutes.