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Why isn't my signature being accepted?

Having trouble signing your name? Signature box is red?

Updated over 6 months ago

The signature box requires that your name is typed exactly as it is written above in parenthesis. Once your typed signature is entered as an exact match, you should be able to submit your information.

Incorrectly Typed Signature

You will receive the below error when the name in parenthesis and the typed signature do not match. See the image on the right for the fix!

Correctly Typed Signature

When the name in parenthesis matches the typed signature, you will see the image below and be able to submit your consent forms.

Do you have an apostrophe in your name?

If so, please use the single quotation symbol ( " ) instead of the apostrophe symbol.

Incorrectly Typed Signature with apostrophe

When using an apostrophe, you will receive the below error message.

Correctly Typed Signature with single quotation mark

When using a single quotation mark in lieu of apostrophes you will be able to successfully submit your consent forms.

Still not working? Try copying your name from within the parenthesis ( ) and paste in to the Signature field.

If you are still unable to enter your signature, please message our support team directly using the purple chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of this screen.

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