To set up the integration with Yardstik, you'll need a Yardstik account with the ability to create custom integrations. You also must have developer permissions in Greenhouse Recruiting to configure the API key.
Create a secret key in Yardstik
Navigate to the Yardstik developer page click into the Integrations section.
Edit the Greenhouse integration.
Generate an API key to use as your Secret Key in Greenhouse.
Copy the API key you just generated and navigate to Greenhouse Recruiting.
Create a new web hook in Greenhouse Recruiting
With your Greenhouse API key from Yardstik copied you can create your web hook in greenhouse. Go to your Greenhouse account and create a web hook:
Click the Configure icon (gear/settings icon) and navigate to the Dev Center.
Select Web hooks from the Dev Center.
Click Web Hooks again, then configure a new web hook for Yardstik.
Configure when the web hook will run by selecting an option from the When dropdown menu.
Note: Yardstik’s integration with Greenhouse currently only supports the ‘Candidate has been hired’ event. Accounts may also utilize the 'Candidate has Changed Stage' event trigger. In order to only fire the web hook once, the account must configure a custom stage in their Greenhouse hiring workflow with the name 'Yardstik BGC.'
Enter the Yardstik API URL into the Endpoint URL field and enter the Yardstik API key.
In the Advanced Settings options, enter the following snippet to create a header to send the secret key with the request: x-yardstik-api-key: {your-yardstik-generated-api-key}
Set Disabled to No and click the Create Web hook button.
Create a custom field in Greenhouse Recruiting for the Yardstik integration
A custom field will be used with your integration to select the Yardstik Account Package for the candidate. When the integration is set up, this field will automatically include all of your available Yardstik Account Packages.
Select the Configure icon (gear/settings icon) on your navigation bar > Custom Options > Company Custom Fields > Jobs in Greenhouse Recruiting.
Click on the Add Field button at the top-right of the page.
Name your custom field Yardstik Package.
Choose field type Single Select and add in one option "None." Make this field required, select the Mark Private option, and click Save.
Generate Greenhouse Harvest API key
Navigate to the Dev Center in Greenhouse Recruiting (Configure icon > Dev Center) and select API Credential Management.
Click on Create New API Key button.
Select the following options from the window:
API Type: Harvest
Partner: Yardstik
Description: Yardstik Harvest API Key
Copy the created API Key and paste it into the API key field in Yardstik.
Enter the name of the Greenhouse Recruiting custom field in Yardstik.
Select the following options to configure the API in Greenhouse Recruiting.
GET: Retrieve Candidate
PATCH: Edit Candidate
POST: Add Note
PATCH: Update Job
Custom Fields
GET: Get custom fields
POST: Create custom field options
PATCH: Update custom field
DELETE: Delete custom field
Custom Field Options
GET: Custom field options
POST: create custom field options
DELETE: Remove custom field options
PATCH: Update custom field options
Set Yardstik values
You will also have to choose a Greenhouse Admin user Id. This will be the Greenhouse user id of the person you would like to be used for all actions taken through the Greenhouse Harvest API. Paste this value into the Greenhouse Admin User ID on the Yardstik Integrations page and click Update
Finish Greenhouse Integration
After configuration is complete, you can turn on your Greenhouse Integration in Yardstick to enable the flow of data.
Example in Greenhouse Recruiting
When the status of the Yardstik report changes you will be notified in the notes section for that candidate.
When you create a job, your custom field will automatically include the Account Packages you have set up in Yardstik.
Once a candidate passes through the phase of hiring that you selected when creating the web hook, the Yardstik invitation will automatically be sent.