Invitations guide
Updated yesterday

You can manage candidate invitations from the Invitations section in Yardstik.

Send an invite

Click Quick Invite to invite a person to complete a background check or choose Mass Invite to save yourself time by uploading a list of candidates.

Quick Invite

  • Click Quick Invite and enter in the candidate’s first name, last name and email address (we can also enable SMS if you'd like to send invites via text message). Next, select the permissible purpose along with the account package, then click Invite.

Mass Invite

  • Click Mass Invite, then download the CSV template and fill in the required fields for each candidate: first name, last name and email address. All other fields are optional. Once the completed file has been attached choose the permissible purpose along with the account package. When finished, click Start.

    Note: The Phone Number field can be filled in instead of the Email Address but one or the other is required. Your Yardstik account must also have SMS enabled for the ability to send invites via text message.

When an invite is sent, the candidate will receive an email with a link to complete their information. They'll also get a reminder each day until the invitation expires.

Rescreen is another feature of the Mass Invite function. Read through the criteria to

rescreen then contact us if needed.

Cancel an invite

An invite can be canceled if the candidate has not yet submitted their personal information (invitation statuses of Invite Sent, Clicked, Viewed).

Under the Actions column click on the ellipses (3 dots) and select Cancel Invitation. The candidate’s link will no longer be active, and the report will enter a status of Canceled.

Resend an Expired invite

If an invitation expires without the candidate completing their information, resend the invitation from the Invitations page to allow them more time.

Under the Actions column click on the ellipses (3 dots) and select Resend. The candidate’s original invitation will once again be accessible.

At this point the “expiration timer” will begin once again, the time frame can be edited in Account > Notifications > edit the number of days until an invitation expires.

Easy, right? If you have any questions, please message our support team directly using the purple chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of this screen.

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